Edukasi Penggunaan Suplemen Kesehatan yang Rasional di Samarinda

Niken Indriyanti, Fahriani Istiqamah Jafar, Fika Aryati


A phenomena increased use of health supplement in Samarinda community is lasting since COVID-19 pandemic. The people knowledge about health supplement consumption a are dominantly received from advertisement and published article on internet. However, not all of the informations are correct. Therefore, this community service program was a webinar and interactive discussion about the use of health supplement, in a zoom meeting media. The pretest and post test were used to evaluate the benefit of this program. From a total of 67 participants, 37 of them fill the pretest form, and 28 fill the posttest form. As many as 92% of participants believe that health supplements keeps body healthy, and 43% of them routinely consumed health supplements. After our explanation and discussion session, 86% participants stated that very much new information they received, ang 50% of them said that their way to use health supplement were not fully correct. As many as 93% participants satisfied to this community service program. It can be concluded that this education program was successful.


health supplement, knowledge, information, consumption, pandemi

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PerKBPOM No 11 Tahun 2020 Tentang Registrasi Suplemen Kesehatan

Peraturan Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat Dan Makanan R E P U B L I K I N D O N E S I A N O M O R H K 0 0 . 0 S . 5 2 . 0 6 8 Ketentuan Pokok Pengawasan Pangan Fungsional

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